
News of Chester Bennington’s death has taken all week to process within my over analytical head. I've heard / seen people playing LP songs the last few days and sharing thoughts but I subconsciously decided to remain silent. And then suddenly tonight I saw Linkin Park's own message and it hit me, that it simply torments me inside to know a person whose persona inhabited a chunk of my psyche over the years, is simply gone. In the year 2000 (the year we got Sky & I became obsessed with music channels) the Crawling video came on MTV and I distinctly remember 9 year old me secretly found her niche. I was immediately hooked, but simultaneously thought "better switch the channel before my preacher's-son Dad comes in and frowns severely". The first week of high school, 2002, somebody gave me Hybrid Theory to borrow on the school bus and I put it straight into my CD walkman, and there it stayed for weeks on repeat (I actually never gave it back and only recently f

Hi remember me?

It's official, I'm going stir crazy. And pretty sure my dearest other half is too, but he's way better at keeping it together. My waking and sleeping thought every day is simply "HOW MUCH LONGER CAN IT TAKE?" You should see me every time I clock the postman walking up the driveway. Like a puppy straight to the door, just stopping short of barking or yapping. Literally was so mistaken in thinking visa application acceptance meant we were almost there, so for the many people asking - and I don't blame you since my jumping-the-gun Facebook update last month - nope, still no interview date, and I really wish I could plan our wedding in a more solid way than 'oh yes I've chosen the venue and the colour scheme'. But mostly, I just REALLY MISS MY BEST FRIEND and it makes it 10x worse not having a time frame to count down to. We've survived over 18 months of long distance life now and I can safely say it really doesn't get any easier. Anyone else k

Stay Sick and Keep Quiet

This article that caught my eye on Facebook today was an unsettling morning read which sparked some big thoughts 'Life does not matter! Are you mad?! Only money does! So we're going to take away your right to speak up' is another way to put it. The animal farming industry is far from the only contingent talking this way, but it's one area of our lifestyle that needs drastic change if we want a bright future for planet Earth. And we have to be able to speak up. Over recent years the more aware I've become, the more I've stopped eating meat and animal products on and off, but this year finally decided to call myself vegan once and for all. Alright so as I type this I'm drinking a cappuccino with cow's milk because I forgot to ask for soy and yeah, sometimes you slip

Being Present.

I let this blog completely slip over the past year or so. I can't even call it a blog when I write one random post per 6 months. There are, no lie, about 20 drafts sitting on my dashboard as I write this, various pieces and themes that I've wanted to share my thoughts on, but never quite got to the end of, and given up on altogether. However, today I write this from an old computer in a hostel in Chicago , and let me tell you my mind has never been clearer. I could get choked up thinking about it. And I really want to share what's on my heart so I'm gonna break the year of writer's block! If you can even call it that. Haha I'm not a 'writer'. WUTEVER, here goes. My 64gb iPhone 6 containing 5000 digital memories of the past year of my life that I stupidly have never backed up, my sole form of communication while I'm alone in this huge foreign city, got stolen from me in Chicago today. After getting my purse stolen on my last trip, this time

Hannah Elizabeth Dean

Today, I would like to wish a HUGE Happy 21st Birthday to my adopted sister, by paying tribute to her here. I think you'll enjoy this little story.    I met Hannah in church when we were younger, we both attended with our families, and never really spoke a word to each other. We would sit at opposite sides of the hall and glance every now and then, but always too reserved to say anything (apart from one time when she commented that she had the same watch as me. Little did we know that this small observation would be so significant a representation of what our friendship would become). Our family life even resembled one another, we were both the eldest of younger siblings of the same age gap, our mums of the same character, and diversely, our dads also of the same character. We were both the 'good' little Christian example-worthy girls who did well at school, played music (no doubt thanks to musical parents), etc., etc.    Being plebs on 'downtime' i


We rejoiced as we mourned: this happiness hurts, Planets apart, but entwined in our thirst. I held and believed our promises, truly, But look where we got ourselves stranded. Swinging so slowly, from fire to furnace - You love me so dearly, so why must we do this? Whilst I fuelled the flame in those deep hungry eyes, You broke me and fated us both to demise. I want you, I need you, you tear me apart. How can you leave me bleeding? Swinging so slowly, from fire to furnace - I love you so dearly, please don't let us do this. Hope haunts Regret; they will taunt for an age, For I was surviving, though cold and afraid. Yet you consumed me and as warmth engulfed, I choked on those sweet precious words; So sweet, so pure, so sure... Does it hurt you like it hurts me to be wrapped up in your arms? The darkness of dying overshadows the way I feel safe. Yes we gave up, we fought, we gave up, we fell And now the bones lay lifeless, the

Starting Over vs. Changing Course

*Please keep in mind that what you're about to read is full of honest (and maybe thought-provoking) words, and I'm hesitant to even hit the 'publish' button. So cut me a little slack if anything comes across the wrong way, and also feel free to share your thoughts in the comments box below. I'd be very grateful :) Most of all, thanks for taking the time to read, I won't blame you if you stop halfway through haha!* There comes that moment, when you hit the biggest tallest thickest brick wall, where you tell yourself 'I can't do this. I can't get through this, what's the point' so you let the mental sickness turn into physical nausea that takes over your body. The weak knees, the plummeting heart, the headache, the crying, the constant heavy sighing, lashing out at loved ones - it all pushes you further and further into your fears and anxiety and you just want to curl up in a ball under your duvet. And 9 times out of 10, you do. Your room,