Hi remember me?

It's official, I'm going stir crazy. And pretty sure my dearest other half is too, but he's way better at keeping it together. My waking and sleeping thought every day is simply "HOW MUCH LONGER CAN IT TAKE?" You should see me every time I clock the postman walking up the driveway. Like a puppy straight to the door, just stopping short of barking or yapping. Literally was so mistaken in thinking visa application acceptance meant we were almost there, so for the many people asking - and I don't blame you since my jumping-the-gun Facebook update last month - nope, still no interview date, and I really wish I could plan our wedding in a more solid way than 'oh yes I've chosen the venue and the colour scheme'. But mostly, I just REALLY MISS MY BEST FRIEND and it makes it 10x worse not having a time frame to count down to. We've survived over 18 months of long distance life now and I can safely say it really doesn't get any easier. Anyone else know how it feels? Doesn't it just hurt, lots? I've never spontaneously burst into tears so often in my entire life.

In other general life news;
  1. My phone is so broken it's not even funny, so anyone trying to contact me not via iMessage (can still text from my Mac when at home) should use Facebook!
  2. Working 3 jobs is still going sooo great, totally acclimatised to the lack of pattern in my sleep, um, pattern now.. and the eating at weird times and the highs and lows of blood sugar etc etc are also pleasant perks
  3. Had a couple of doctor visits and he subtly tried to blame my vegetarian diet for the utter crappy way I've been feeling, to which I admit I got defensive and pointed out I've gone from working 25 to 50 hours quite suddenly and that could be a contributing factor, but hey what do I know. Expecting blood test results to say 'B12 and iron deficiency' just like every other average cow-flesh-eating Joe out there, but that won't satisfy me because being frank now my health is pretty shot. Could be stress/anxiety, could be something more. We shall see.
  4. I realised today I haven't had a haircut since I was in Cali 6 months ago. Literally keep forgetting yet simultaneously complaining about the state it's in. How pitiful?

The good thing is I'm very much alive, so, pretty stoked on that.

I mustn't forget to mention though that I'm loving spending every spare moment with my family who [I dread to think to what extent] I'll miss when I leave. Not sure how I'll deal with that just yet but hey let's leave that low on the priority list for now.

Anyway thought I'd briefly check in on this """blog""" because, with wine glass in hand and Deftones blaring after a long week, I fleetingly yet fondly remembered how much I relished writing here, and the positive response I'd often get, so here's hoping I keep it up. Again.

I have to admit I recently trawled through old posts and used the delete button accordingly, because let's face it, the function of a blog is not intended as a public journal (I also have this tendency to treat the FB status update box as a Dear Diary entry) and anyway the cringe frequency was far too high. Lol. It's just a good outlet for me and I always aim to inspire / relate / relieve via such platform. I'm a born waffler and oddly I perceive that people seem to enjoy it????

So with that, I bid y'all happy weekend, and I'll see ya soon.


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