Stay Sick and Keep Quiet

This article that caught my eye on Facebook today was an unsettling morning read which sparked some big thoughts

'Life does not matter! Are you mad?! Only money does! So we're going to take away your right to speak up' is another way to put it. The animal farming industry is far from the only contingent talking this way, but it's one area of our lifestyle that needs drastic change if we want a bright future for planet Earth. And we have to be able to speak up.

Over recent years the more aware I've become, the more I've stopped eating meat and animal products on and off, but this year finally decided to call myself vegan once and for all. Alright so as I type this I'm drinking a cappuccino with cow's milk because I forgot to ask for soy and yeah, sometimes you slip up and sneak in an animal product! But I'm most definitely meat free right now, and most definitely more mindful of the cons of the dairy industry, both for animal welfare and for my health. I've chosen not to eat fish either - not a type of farming I've read enough into yet although I'm aware of the vast needless cruelty resulting from fishing, but, I've made that choice mostly to see the effects of having a wholly plant based diet, as I know I can get every single nutrient I need from the ground. And yes we're told fish is "brain food" but as of late the way our oceans are becoming, eating a lot of fish means consuming high amounts of metal/pollutants like mercury etc. And like I mentioned, you can get the same benefits from plants, such as omega 3 found in many nuts and seeds. So it's interesting to see how I'm strengthening my body and immune system without any (ex-)living creatures. 

As much as I miss the taste of chicken, or authentic cheese & crackers, (or In N Out burgers that I only just tasted for the first time in my life last month *cry*) it's not enough to block out the fundamentally horrifying process of putting that "food" onto my plate. Let alone the fact that my digestive system much prefers plant protein to the dead muscles of other mammals. Even eating organic, "grass fed" meat still seems unnecessary to me because it's all buying into an industry that ultimately will never care about the welfare of innocent creatures, let alone wake up to the blinding reality that we could be feeding millions more humans with the crops we're harvesting simply to fatten livestock in order to feast on their flesh! Absolutely cuckoo.

By the way if you want to see these issues broken down simply in appropriately amusing comic strip form, please go visit @vegansidekick on Instagram right now, you'll have your eyes opened at least a little.

It's not all doom and gloom or fighting a losing battle. These growing efforts are not wasted; solid statistics show meat consumption is steadily declining around the world. I read that 400 million less animals were slaughtered for food last year in USA alone. It's a small fraction, but it's a dent in a corrupt industry that isn't good for anyone, except the big men up top filling their pockets.

Yes, it is true to say the vast majority of health associations recommend red meat for various nutrients that our body requires for optimum health. We've all heard the phrase 'you don't eat meat? Then where d'you get your protein from?!' *major eye roll* Now whilst you cannot deny the presence of these nutrients in (particularly red) meat - iron, creatine, etc - you will rarely hear widespread talk surrounding the detrimental effects of consuming it. For starters, these meats are carcinogenic especially if processed or high-temperature cooked, and you need to eat a much higher amount of meat than plants to obtain the same amount of nutritional benefit. Enter heart disease, obesity, diabetes and colorectal or stomach cancer. (Information sourced from WHO and IARC studies)

Then, you may ask, why are health associations happy to promote the consumption of such things? The answer to me is glaringly and disturbingly obvious: Medicine is also an industry. Do you think they want to lose all of the money pouring in from fixing the problems they are encouraging us to acquire? Genuine serious question. For example, no doubt you've heard conspiracists the world over saying the cure for cancer exists, but scientists are not keen to share it because imagine the hit on income if millions were suddenly 'well' again. Looking at all the mind-blowing technology that exists today, I can easily believe that. Everything has become an "industry". If you hadn't noticed by now, the world needs to maintain the presence of problems to fix. And it needs to silence anyone who dares to expose holes.

"Heaven forbid we should have peace on this planet; too many of us would be out of business." - Unknown

Side note: This week my boyfriend has had me listening to a lengthy seminar by Dr Steven Greer, founder of the Disclosure Project, who reveals all kinds of disturbing secrets about the American government, UFOs, sustainability of our planet without fossil fuels, how criminal activity by the CIA is funding illegal projects, and so on - but anyone daring to try and make it public knowledge has been silenced before their voice is even heard (i.e. assassination/impeachments) and exposes ways in which we've been lied to for decades.. Mind blowing to say the least. You can't hear this stuff and stay ignorant to how messed up everything really is, and how downhill life will be for our children and their children IF we don't instill change today.

The thing is, if we took it all away, we'd eventually end up going back to living natural, plant fueled, organic, holistic, sustainable, healthy and more harmonious lives where people don't need half as much as money to survive and the need for war would barely exist... LOL. Can you picture that? Because it's not as impossible as it seems. It just takes one human saying 'I care. I'll change.' and sharing what they find with the next human.

The way we eat is one of the best places to start. Look at it this way: How often do you hear of a cancer causing plant? Or an obesity inducing vegetable? Or coronary disease from a fruit? (GMO pesticide ridden produce aside) My point being, it's not going to hurt you to majorly increase your intake of plant sourced food even if you don't immediately cut out animal products.

It's time to wake up, and be part of the ever growing movement that can see behind the curtain. If not, we're agreeing to suffer in silence just like the wealth-hungry powers that be want us to. Take your time, do your research. It's taken me a long time to choose the veggie life, and I'm not making promises I'll never meat again, I'm being realistic with myself. That being said, slowly but surely I have realized that health and harmony are far more crucial to me than temporarily satisfying my taste buds. And, lo and behold, I discovered that meals without meat or dairy were some of the most delicious and satisfying plates I'd ever made! Take a look at some of the one hundred percent vegan dishes my boyfriend & I have put together over the last couple of weeks, then tell me an animal-free diet is boring/tasteless/lacking in nutrition...

Mark is sticking to a vegetarian diet for now, whereas I've chosen to go the whole hog (excuse the insensitive pun), but either way it works; we keep each other motivated, and the important thing is taking a step of mindfulness. Also it should never feel like you're depriving yourself. That will only hinder you. So if some of this rings true with you, but you're not ready to jump in with both feet, simply don't. Just eliminate a little at a time. Maybe start by buying organic, ethically reared, cage free, and so on. Become more aware first. The most important part is to have a healthy relationship with food and enjoy what you're creating and nourishing your body with, guilt free. Those no-bake brownies for example are now my biggest non-guilty guilty pleasure!! (Gluten free, dairy free, no added sugar)

Go ahead, pleasantly surprise yourself. You can instill change with the very next meal you make.


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