News of Chester Bennington’s death has taken all week to process within my over analytical head. I've heard / seen people playing LP songs the last few days and sharing thoughts but I subconsciously decided to remain silent. And then suddenly tonight I saw Linkin Park's own message and it hit me, that it simply torments me inside to know a person whose persona inhabited a chunk of my psyche over the years, is simply gone. In the year 2000 (the year we got Sky & I became obsessed with music channels) the Crawling video came on MTV and I distinctly remember 9 year old me secretly found her niche. I was immediately hooked, but simultaneously thought "better switch the channel before my preacher's-son Dad comes in and frowns severely". The first week of high school, 2002, somebody gave me Hybrid Theory to borrow on the school bus and I put it straight into my CD walkman, and there it stayed for weeks on repeat (I actually never gave it back and only recently f...
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It's official, I'm going stir crazy. And pretty sure my dearest other half is too, but he's way better at keeping it together. My waking and sleeping thought every day is simply "HOW MUCH LONGER CAN IT TAKE?" You should see me every time I clock the postman walking up the driveway. Like a puppy straight to the door, just stopping short of barking or yapping. Literally was so mistaken in thinking visa application acceptance meant we were almost there, so for the many people asking - and I don't blame you since my jumping-the-gun Facebook update last month - nope, still no interview date, and I really wish I could plan our wedding in a more solid way than 'oh yes I've chosen the venue and the colour scheme'. But mostly, I just REALLY MISS MY BEST FRIEND and it makes it 10x worse not having a time frame to count down to. We've survived over 18 months of long distance life now and I can safely say it really doesn't get any easier. Anyone else k...