
I keep on having to teach myself a little lesson. It goes like this:

You don't have to attach yourself to every person that leaves a mark on your life. Not everyone is 'longterm' material. Some people are meant to be fleeting accquaintances, & sure, they are great accquaintances, but then they leave. You learn from them, from what they give you, or don't give you. It's okay to let go of those people.

Then others, they were built to stay. They become like family. You could go years apart, everything around you could change, but when you're reunited, the last time you saw them feels like yesterday.  They're the ones to hold onto. Or maybe you don't even need to hold onto them? It may be an effortless connection. They're the people you can attach yourself to, because there is a mutual love. But any connections that take effort to hold up... When you're fighting for normality... They're the ones you can say goodbye to. You enjoyed it while it lasted, now move on & enjoy the rest of your life. Don't be held down by your own attachments. You have a life of your own when those people are gone.

When you're always looking behind you, you're gonna bump into a lot of things in front! Ouchy.


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