
Showing posts from July, 2017
News of Chester Bennington’s death has taken all week to process within my over analytical head. I've heard / seen people playing LP songs the last few days and sharing thoughts but I subconsciously decided to remain silent. And then suddenly tonight I saw Linkin Park's own message and it hit me, that it simply torments me inside to know a person whose persona inhabited a chunk of my psyche over the years, is simply gone. In the year 2000 (the year we got Sky & I became obsessed with music channels) the Crawling video came on MTV and I distinctly remember 9 year old me secretly found her niche. I was immediately hooked, but simultaneously thought "better switch the channel before my preacher's-son Dad comes in and frowns severely". The first week of high school, 2002, somebody gave me Hybrid Theory to borrow on the school bus and I put it straight into my CD walkman, and there it stayed for weeks on repeat (I actually never gave it back and only recently f...