Hannah Elizabeth Dean
Today, I would like to wish a HUGE Happy 21st Birthday to my adopted sister, by paying tribute to her here. I think you'll enjoy this little story. I met Hannah in church when we were younger, we both attended with our families, and never really spoke a word to each other. We would sit at opposite sides of the hall and glance every now and then, but always too reserved to say anything (apart from one time when she commented that she had the same watch as me. Little did we know that this small observation would be so significant a representation of what our friendship would become). Our family life even resembled one another, we were both the eldest of younger siblings of the same age gap, our mums of the same character, and diversely, our dads also of the same character. We were both the 'good' little Christian example-worthy girls who did well at school, played music (no doubt thanks to musical parents), etc., etc. ...