Heavy heart.
Last night I couldn't sleep because I felt so miserable, after deciding to go to bed to try and sleep because I felt so miserable. Just one of those nights, I guess. I wasn't feeling ungrateful; just frustrated at being stuck. Frozen where I am. So much ambition, a decent amount of talent if I may so, and I have no idea where to take it. Utterly directionless. Desperately trying to relax and sleep, I had melodies and lyrics that I've created going round and round in my head, irritated at the irony, unable to shut off. I'm not unhappy with life, but I'm unhappy with feeling bewildered. I'm not quite in control, and it makes me feel a little hopeless.. Even though I'm not. Does this make any sense? Like I said, I'm not ungrateful about anything I have. I am most thankful and fully aware of how blessed I am. I think the thing I am most annoyed with is, all of that blessing and love poured into me that I give out, most of the time it's just hitting...